Oil Painting Classes by Diane Guley
Supplies are Included


DSCF2906BlueHeronStandingInWater copy Small Web view

 Blue Heron 16 x 20
Previous Workshop

by Diane Guley

This class is designed for beginning /intermediate painters
 who have painted in other mediums but never tried oils,
or for beginning oil painters. If you ever wanted to try oils,
this is the class to see how easy and rewarding it can be.

This was a multi part class

Time to be Arranged
Location to be determined

Call for information

Instructor Fee Varies by Class Subject

      Supplies are Included as follows!
       * Photo of Painting with Instruction Packet
       * Stretched Canvas
       * Paint (Oils) - there is a palette fee if we
           provide the oil paint
       * Medium (Liquiglaze is the Medium)
       * Odorless Turpentine is NOT used only Baby Oil
       Bring your own Brushes, a Table Easel,
          Palette (disposable), Paper Towels &
          Other normal painting supplies such as
          graphite transfer paper and an apron.

        Bring your own oil paints if you have them

No Drawing Skills Required

Pre-registration is required

Don’t be disappointed, classes fill fast,
Please register as soon as possible.


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